Truth in advertising

While reading a review during a lull in my TechServices</a> shift, I came across one of the many adverts for VoIP service. This one, however, was special. </p> </p> VoIP experst???? What the hell? I have tried for some time to not notice errors like this, but my world is rife with them. Technical documentation, once known for its high standards, is no longer. Product collateral and reviews – the same persistent issues: lack of quality and oversight. »

Getting my digital life in order

We all have lists. Grocery lists, book lists, todos. Some items are for the near term, others for the long. The items on these lists often give our lives dimension, colour. Sometimes they only lend clutter and angst. After the birth of our first child, my fun lists went away and my todo list blossomed into an intimidating hairy green monster. I resolved to change all of that this evening. I made myself a few small promises: start writing again; be it blogging, short stories, poetry, no more excuses; clean my inbox of the five thousand items that have clogged it; organize my bookmarks into a resource I can leverage. »